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Natural products from the Malaysian international company Dxn

You can register and join the company and get your own membership number by visiting one of the main branches near you anywhere in the world where the branches of our giant company DXN are located by giving them this membership number 822394599 - and my name / Fatiha SBITI
Or even if you don't want to register, you can get the products
At the discount price of 25% and without registration of membership, by giving them this membership number 822394599 - and my name / Fatiha SBITI
Important note / if you are in an area where the company's branch does not exist, contact me and I will register you and give you the products and your membership number
Do not forget that this is an invitation to all our brothers and sisters from me

Fatiha SBITI is an international member of DXN, with number / 822394599

Do not forget this name and number for those who wish to buy products at a special price or register a new international membership and share the success with us

You can contact me from all over the world

Via WhatsApp / 00212621983673______________

Head Office Malaysia Kuala Lumpur

The Malaysian #DXN company, which specializes in natural products of healthy #nutritional _ supplements, especially #Ganoderma _ mushrooms (#Reishi)
All of its products are healthy, free from chemicals and preservatives, and help build a healthy and disease-free body.
All products produced by DXN are natural and organically grown on DXN farms in #Malaysia, without the use of any pesticides or chemicals. It is also produced and manufactured in the company's factories in Malaysia within the highest quality standards for which the company obtained international certificates. It has also obtained certificates that ensure that all of its products are Shariah-compliant.
And dxn products are divided into 3 groups, which are!
1- Food & Supplement group
 This group is divided into
A-Powders and pills
B- Juices
C- Beverages
2- Personal Care Group
3- A group of cosmetics and skin care (Cosmetics)
First: Food & Supplement group
* Department of powders & grains. Which
1- Reishi mushroom powder (Ganoderma mushroom)
2- Aspirulina (ideal food)
3- Cordyceps Sciences
4- Lion's mane mushroom
5- Miko Fiji
6- Zhi Mint (sugar-free mint candy)
7- Pineapple jam
8- Vinaigrette
* Juices section, which is
1- mornzi juice
2- Morenzyme juice
3- Kurdish Pine juice
4- Kiwi juice
5- Roselli juice
* Beverages section, which is
1- Lingzhi coffee 3 in 1
2- Lingzhi coffee 2 in 1
3- Lingzhi tea
4- Cocozy
Second: Personal Care Group, which is
1- Ganozhi soap
2- Ganozhi toothpaste
3- Massage oil (massage) Jano
4- Ganozhi shampoo
5- Ganozhi foam for the body
Third: A group of cosmetics and skin care, which is
1- tea tree cream
2- talcum powder
3- red lipstick
4- Aloe vera group to cleanse and nourish the skin
You are now in the first article
