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Bread and weight loss

What about the bread?

Ketogenic diets have become an important trend in health and weight loss, and in general, they are a dietary pattern based on restricting carbohydrate consumption as much as possible and increasing fat intake. Accordingly, carbohydrates became the villain of the story, especially bread which is the star of carbohydrates.

The effect of bread on weight loss

Bread is a staple in many people's diets and a major source of calories. This is why it is not surprising to know that bread undoubtedly generates a love-hate relationship in people and with all the information that currently exists, many people do not necessarily follow a low carbohydrate diet, but rather take care of their diet, wondering: Is the bread to blame for those extra kilos? Medicine and nutrition professionals point out that it depends on several factors.
The main problem with being overweight is that we overeat bread and other refined grains. Of course, when we're tired, stressed, or really hungry, we're more likely to eat bread than carrot and celery sticks. And the danger of bread: the more bread we eat, the more we want, and worst of all, it is usually the least healthy of all, like white bread, crackers, pastries and other refined cereals that are an infallible symbol of the struggle for weight control.
Eating whole grains is a powerful weight loss strategy. In fact, there is a study that supports the role of smart consumption of whole grains; In which it was proven that people who followed a low-calorie diet that included whole grains (such as whole wheat bread) lost more belly fat than those who ate only refined grains (as in the case of white bread and rice).
Whole grains are an extraordinary source of nutrients, providing more vitamins, minerals, and fiber than any refined type; They are sources of empty calories. While choosing wholemeal bread is a great alternative to make a healthy addition to your diet, it's very important not to overdo it because it can add a few extra pounds.
Much has also been said about the relationship between bread consumption and diabetes. There are many scientific investigations and studies that prove the benefits of eating less starchy foods such as bread, red meat, processed foods and sugar-sweetened beverages to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Additionally, the benefits of considering eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and poultry are supported.
It is a fact that eating any type of carbohydrate raises blood sugar levels, but it is very important to stress that not all carbohydrates are created equal. So refined sugars and grains raise blood sugar more quickly than complex carbohydrates found in foods like fruits, vegetables and legumes.
An honest dietary recommendation is to choose to consume complex carbohydrates, which are more slowly digested and have limited blood glucose spikes. These types of specs are often especially important in the diet of people with type 2 diabetes, so reducing your intake of refined grains and eating more whole grains instead are good things to do.

gluten sensitivity

Another related aspect is that whole wheat bread contains more fiber than refined bread and is known to be one of the most important nutrients for good digestion, gut health and weight loss. Fiber also helps delay the absorption of carbohydrates, which is beneficial for weight loss and gives them satiating power.
Bread is also directly related to one of the most common conditions today, gluten intolerance. Especially today that there is a lot of information and negative press about it, the truth is that this type of condition is a reflection of celiac disease where the immune system confuses gluten as dangerous and causes a reaction that attacks the body.
Thus, reducing carbohydrate intake and making smarter choices about eating whole grains is associated with weight loss benefits. The truth is that weight loss is usually in fluids, not fats. What happens is that carbohydrates are stored in the body in the form of glycogen and these reserves of energy contain an abundant amount of water, so by eliminating bread from our diet, these reserves will disappear, we will lose weight and the body will lose water. Now you know that it is not bread that causes weight gain; What is the amount and type of bread you eat?
